kau'a KOhA1 experimental cmavo

pro-sumti: strong-memory something1/eidetic da/elephant thing1 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)

The meaning is the same as da and it functions the same way except that any assignment/qualification placed upon it (except for quantification) is semantically retained throughout a discourse until da'o is uttered; it acts as though the scope (except for quantification that occurs outside of a POI-clause) of all previous usages are arbitrarily long, terminated only by da'o or the end of the discourse. User beware: usage is tricky. See also: kau'e, kau'i, da'au, da.

In notes:

da'au (exp!)
pro-sumti: forgetful something/memory-less da
kau'e (exp!)
pro-sumti: strong-memory something2/eidetic de/elephant thing2 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)
kau'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: strong-memory something3/eidetic di/elephant thing3 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)