prosa -ros-ro'a- gismu

x1 is prose about plot/theme/subject x2 by author x3 for intended audience x4.

Non-poetic written text, without intentional rhyme or meter; x2 may be a convention rather than a subject. See also cfika, lisri, cukta, pemci, finti.

In notes:

x1 is a work of fiction about plot/theme/subject x2/under convention x2 by author x3.
x1 is a book containing work x2 by author x3 for audience x4 preserved in medium x5.
x1 invents/creates/composes/authors x2 for function/purpose x3 from existing elements/ideas x4.
x1 is a story/tale/yarn/narrative about plot/subject/moral x2 by storyteller x3 to audience x4.
x1 is a poem/verse about plot/theme/subject/pattern x2 by author x3 for intended audience x4.
x1 is a questionnaire, form containing a list of questions x2; x1 is a means of gathering information for a survey x2
x1 is a creative work (prose / poem / film / play / etc.) about x2 (plot / theme / subject / activity), by author/artist x3, for audience x4