si'impetotki fu'ivla

x1 (value, state, form) is the asymptote/limit [Calculus sense] of function/dependent variable/limitand x2 as independent variable(s) x3 tend(s) toward point/respective value(s)/tuple x4 along path/from direction x5.

x1 is asymptotic (one sense); x2 is asymptotic (different sense). Although usually used in English when an extreme value is involved (in either x1 or x4) the Lojban usage can probably be pretty general and mean "limit along a path"; in this usage, delete x5 for "limit" in the stronger sense or follow the immediately next sentence. A true limit (for example: two-sided in the reals; along all paths/curves in the complexes) would have "all paths" specified in x5.