brode -bo'e- gismu

2nd assignable variable predicate (context determines place structure).

In definition:

loi'a (exp!)
generic essentialistic article: «loi'a broda cu brode» = a broda typically is/does brode; being/doing brode is a typical trait of broda-hood.
nei'i (exp!)
strict essentialistic article: «nei'i broda cu brode» = being a broda necessarily entails being/doing brode.
noi'a (exp!)
incidental/non-restrictive adverbial: converts selbri to bridi adverbial term. The first place of the converted selbri is claimed to be such that the outer bridi satisfies it, and the outer bridi is claimed. {broda noi'a brode} means {lo nu broda ku goi ko'a cu fasnu .i ko'a brode}.
poi'a (exp!)
restrictive adverbial: converts selbri to bridi adverbial term. The first place of the converted selbri is claimed to occur in conjunction with the outer bridi. {broda poi'a brode} means {lo nu broda cu fasnu gi'e brode}.
poi'o'a (exp!)
restrictive first place adverbial: converts selbri to bridi adverbial term. The outer bridi is claimed to occur together with the event of the first place of that bridi satisfying the converted selbri. {broda poi'o'a brode} means {broda fau lo nu vo'a brode}.
soi'a (exp!)
subordinating adverbial: converts selbri to bridi adverbial term. The bridi is claimed to satisfy the first place of the converted selbri, but is not itself claimed to occur. {broda soi'a brode} means {lo nu broda cu brode}

In notes:

va'icu'i (comp!)
discursive: in the same words.
The negation of x1 (event/state) is a result/outcome/conclusion of antecedent x2 (event/state). x1 is prevented by x2.
x1 (event/state) is a reason/justification/explanation for/causing/permitting the negation of x2 (event/state). x1 prevents x2.
x1 (event/state) motivates/is a motive/incentive for the negation of x2 (event/state), per volition of x3. x1 prevents x2.
x1 (event/state) logically necessitates/entails/implies the negation of x2 (event/state), under rules/logic system x3. x1 prevents x2.
x1 (event/state) effects/physically causes the negation of x2 (event/state). x1 prevents x2.
placed after a tanru with CO, following sumti return to the place structure of the left tanru unit.
Quantifier modifier: endowment of existential import - repeal of existential import/abstention from claiming existence - assertion of non-existence
ge'ai (exp!)
metasyntactic variable prenex
gi'o'i (exp!)
pro-bridi: in the second half of a bridi forethought connective expression, refers to the first half.
jo'oi (exp!)
non-logical connective: the more ..., the more...
Tight scope bridi separator; analogous to {.i} without ending the abstractor or relative clause.
ke'au (exp!)
relative clause prenex: assigns a variable to the object of the relative clause
ke'oi (exp!)
reverses modification order of contained tanru (does not affect lujvo).
li'ai (exp!)
unevaluated mekso as name.
lo'au (exp!)
presuppositional definite article: the …; the thing(s) which …
ru'oi (exp!)
quantifier: "all" (as opposed to "every")
erases a SI, SA or SU cmavo; is to "redo" as SI/SA/SU is to "undo".
opening bracket for VUhO
zei'ei (exp!)
begin quote that is converted into rafsi
x1 is an object described as x2, x3, ... (termset representing serializable tree structure compatible with JSON format of attribute-value pairs).