On gloss:

letteral for r.

In definition:

tense interval modifier: continuum (R) type infinitely many time(s); objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
number: 1×1027, ronna, octillion; symbol: R
x1 is the zero(-like)/additive identity of structure/ring x2; often is denoted by ' 0R ' (for structure/ring R, specified by x2) or by '0' when context is obvious
x1 is the one(-like) element/multiplicative identity of structure/ring x2; often is denoted by ' 1R ' or ' IR ' or by (when context is obvious) '1' or 'I', for structure/ring R (given by x2).
b1=r=1 is a/the cartilage/gristle [body-part], performing function b2 in body of b3.
binary operator: complex number from argument and phase, (r, \phi) \mapsto r ei \phi
x1 is a rhotic/R sound (default: alveolar tap or trill) produced by x2.
ry zei sance
x1 is a rhotic/R sound (default: alveolar tap or trill) produced by x2.

In notes:

cazu (comp!)
nowadays, wide sense of "now"
tense interval modifier: countably infinitely many times; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
x1 is a relation space formed from elements/nodes in set x2 and relationship x3 which connects them.
x1 is the similarity relation between all members of set x2 (set of quoted words) such that they all mean esentially one common thing x3 and are considered to be identical in any meaningful way in language x4.
x1 is a binary relationship which is symmetric (under exchange of arguments/terms) in space/under conditions/on set x2.
x1 is a binary relationship which is reflexive in space/under conditions/on set x2.
x1 is a binary relationship which is transitive in space/under conditions/on set x2.
x1 acts Lojbanically cruel/pedantic toward x2 in manner x3 (ka)
fei'i (exp!)
mekso variable-arity (at most ternary) operator: number of prime divisors of number X1, counting with or without multiplicity according to the value X2 (1 xor 0 respectively; see note for equality to -1 and for default value), in structure X3.
ka'o'ei (exp!)
imaginary i, comma - spherical coordinates: first coordinate gives magnitude (complex modulus/radius) of the number, the second number gives the angle from the positive real axis measured counterclockwise toward the 'positive' imaginary axis (default: in the primary branch/Arg) as measured in some units (which that number should contain; the contextless default will suppose radians); the angle is not normalized.
kau'o (exp!)
generic algebra unit en
mekso operator: part of number/projection (one sense); the X2 part of X1
at-most-3-ary mekso operator: "integer exponent" for X1 divided by X2 in algebraic structure X3
pu'e'ei (exp!)
mekso binary operator: generate span; outputs span(X1, X= spanX; set of all (finite) sums of terms of form c v, where v is an element of algebraic structure X1 (wherein scalar multiplication and summation is defined), and c is a scalar belonging to ring X2.
iterated Cartesian product with self: A × A × ... × A, n times.
x1 (ordered list) is a sampling of entries of matrix/tensor x2 in which exactly one entry is sampled from each row and/or column (etc.) between entries x3 (list; default: the largest 'square'/'hypercubic' sampling possible in the entire tensor starting with the first entry, see notes) inclusively following selection procedure/rule/function/order x4 (default: diagonally, see notes), where the tensor/matrix is expressed in basis/under conditions x5
x1 is a binary relation which is right-Euclidean on space/set/under conditions x2.
x1 is a binary relation which is left-Euclidean on space/set/under conditions x2.
x1 (function) is the restriction of function x2 to domain set x3
x1 is a 'quipyew' tree graph with special node x2, on nodes x3 (set of points; includes x2), with edges x4 (set of ordered pairs of nodes), and with other properties x5.
x1 is the traditional/standard/classical strict total-order(ing) '<' which endows the (extended) real numbers.
x1 is rational, prudent, judicious, level-headed with a limited ken (range of sight)