On gloss:

letteral for z.

In definition:

number: 1×1021, zetta, sextillion; symbol: Z
mekso operator: plus or minus with order important, (((a±b)±c)±...±z)
mekso operator: plus or minus, (((a±b)±c)±...±z)
x1=z2=j1 is an infrastructure built by x2=z=1 out of x3=z3 for x4=j2
mekso at-most-4-ary operator: integer lattice ball; the set of all points belonging to the intersection of Zn with the closure of the ball that is centered on X1 and has radius X2 in metric X3, where Z is the set of all integers and where, for any set A and non-negative integer n, An is the set of all n-tuples such that each coordinate/entry/term belongs to A, and where the dimensionality n = X4..
mekso 7-ary operator: for input (X1 = z, X2 = (ai)= (bj)= p, X5 = q, X6 = h1, X= h2), this word/function outputs/yields \sumn=0^\infty (((\prodi = 1p (ne'o'o(ai,n,1,h= 1q (ne'o'o(bj,n,1,h; by default, X6 = 1 = X7 unless explicitly specified otherwise.
mekso, at-most-5-ary operator: a rounding function; ordered input list is (x,n,t,m,b) and the output is sgn(x) bt roundn (b(-t) abs(x)), with rounding preference n and where the fractional part of b(-t) abs(x) being equal to 1/2 causes the roundn ( ) function to map b(-t) abs(x) to the nearest integer of form 2Z+m, for base b (determined by context if not explicitly input) and some integer Z (determined by context).
ternary mekso/mathematical operator: radical; for input (x,y,z), it outputs the largest y-th-power-free product of prime divisors of x in structure (ring) z.
unary mekso operator: (analytically continued) Riemann zeta function zeta(z), for complex-valued input z.
mekso; binary operator: z-score for the X1 quantile; X2 (default: 1) acts as the descriptor toggle (see notes).

In notes:

x1 is so x2 (ka) that x3 (nu); x1=ckajiZ1=ckajiP1=raunzu1 satisfies property x2=ckajiZ2=fatci1=raunzu2=zmadu2 enough that x3=raunzu3, where ckajiP2=kanpe2=zmadu2.
x1 is an injective function (distinctness-preserving function) from x2 (domain) to x3 (codomain).
x1 is a relation space formed from elements/nodes in set x2 and relationship x3 which connects them.
x1 (ka) is the relation of predicate x2 (du'u), which has arguments x3 (sequence of sumti).
x1 (sequence of sumti) is the sequence of arguments that, joined by relation x2 (ka), form predicate x3 (du'u)
x1 is a binary relationship which is symmetric (under exchange of arguments/terms) in space/under conditions/on set x2.
x1 is a binary relationship which is reflexive in space/under conditions/on set x2.
x1 is a binary relationship which is transitive in space/under conditions/on set x2.
mekso ternary operator: inverse function of input function X1 with respect to its input X2, taken on branch or restricted domain X3 ("domain" being of X1).
mekso n-ary operator: interleave sequences
mekso quaternary operator: polygamma function; for input X1, X, outputs the (-X2)th derivative of Log(ne'o'a(X1, X)) with respect to X1.
mathematical ternary operator: not-greater-prime-counting function
mathematical ternary operator: prime-generating function.
mathematical quinary operator; big operator: left sequence notation/converter - operator a, sequence b defined as a function on index/argument/variable/parameter c, in set d, under ordering e
mekso ternary operator: Knuth up-arrow notation: a \uparrow \dots \uparrow b of order/with c-2 arrows ("\uparrow") initially, evaluated from right to left; the cth hyperoperator on a by b.
6-ary mekso/mathematical operator: Heaviside function/step/Theta function of a, of order b, in structure c, using distribution d, within approximated limit e, with value f_b at 0
x1 (li; number/quantity) is the weighted quasi-arithmetic mean/generalized f-mean of/on data x2 (completely specified ordered multiset/list) using function x3 (defaults according to the notes; if it is an extended-real number, then it has a particular interpretation according to the Notes) with weights x4 (completely specified ordered multiset/list with same cardinality/length as x2; defaults according to Notes).
x1 is a mathematical object for/to which operator x2 is defined/may be applied when under conditions x3 under definition (of operator)/standard/type x4
x1 (plural of ordered pairs) is an exhaustive set (possibly infinite) of inputs/outputs defining a unary function which yields result x3 when given input x2; x1(x2) = x3
x1 is a 'quipyew' tree graph with special node x2, on nodes x3 (set of points; includes x2), with edges x4 (set of ordered pairs of nodes), and with other properties x5.
x1 [signed quantity] is the the intrinsic spin/signed spin quantum number/magnetic quantum number/Dirac-Pauli spin-like charge [commonly denoted: s] of particle/thing x2, as measured along axis/in direction/measuring component x3
x1 is a polyform/polyplet/polyomino/polyabolo/polyiamond (etc.) composed of parts/'tile' polytope x2 arranged in (finite) unified shape/pattern x3 in ambient space x4 and subject to rules/restrictions/conditions x5
x1 is a binary operator in structure x2 which exhibits the Jacobi property with respect to binary operator x3 (which also endows x2) and element/object x4 (which is an element of the underlying set which form x2).
x1 is directly/linearly proportional to x2 via coefficient/constant of proportionality x3 and background/constant offset x4; there exists constants x3 and x4 such that x1 = x3×x.