si'ei PA3 experimental cmavo

numeric suffix: indicates that the number refers to portionality instead of cardinality

e.g. 1/n, "n/" => n/1, or "/" alone => golden ratio.">fi'u re si'ei lo vo prenu = "half of the four people (i.e. two of the four)"; contrast with 1/n, "n/" => n/1, or "/" alone => golden ratio.">fi'u re lo vo prenu = "a half person of the four people (!)". 1/n, "n/" => n/1, or "/" alone => golden ratio.">fi'u re si'ei lo vo prenu is equivalent to lo 1/n, "n/" => n/1, or "/" alone => golden ratio.">fi'u re si'e be lo vo prenu. Other possible uses: ci 1/n, "n/" => n/1, or "/" alone => golden ratio.">fi'u vo si'ei roi = "three quarters of the time", pi mu si'ei moi = the middlemost member of a sequence. See si'e