cmene -cme-me'e- gismu

x1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the name/title/tag of x2 to/used-by namer/name-user x3 (person).

Also: x2 is called x1 by x3 (= selcme for reordered places). See also cmavo list me'e, gismu, tcita, valsi, judri. Historically used to describe words in the Lojban morphological class allocated for use with proper nouns; this sense has been deprecated in favor of cmevla.

In definition:

cmene modal, 1st place (requires quote) with name ...; so-called ...
seme'e (comp!)
cmene modal, 2nd place (the named one) as a name for ...
teme'e (comp!)
cmene modal, 3rd place as a name used by ...

In notes:

x1 is a (Lojban) root word expressing relation x2 among argument roles x3, with affix(es) x4.
x1 is an address of/are coordinates of x2 in system x3.
x1 is a label/tag of x2 showing information x3.
x1 is a word meaning/causing x2 in language x3; (adjective: x1 is lexical/verbal).
x1 is a brivla-based name for x2 used by namer x3
cmene1 is a Divine Name of cevni1=cmene2 as known by cevni2=cmene3 which is associated with cevni3; cmene1 is a name of god.
x1 is anonymous to x2; x1 lacks a name to system/person x2
g1=v3 registers c2 with user-name c1 on system/application c3.
x1 is a morphologically defined name word meaning x2 in language x3.
x1 is a cmevla-based name for x2 used by namer x3
s1 is a road sign representing a/the name s2=c1 of road/street c2=d1—name given by c3—to observer s3.
c1=d1 is an alias/nickname of c2 used by c3 instead of name d2, differing from it by standard d3.
c1=d2 (quoted word(s)) is the given name (as opposed to the family name) of c2=d3, used by c3 and given by namer d1.
f1=c3 translates non-Lojban name c1=f2 (text) from language f4 to (lojbanic) cmevla / lojbanized name f5=l1 (text).
c1 (quoted word(s)) is a street/road name/odonym of street/avenue/lane/drive/cul-de-sac/way/alley/[road] c2=l1 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
c1 (quoted word(s)) is the family name (as opposed to the given name) of family member c2=z2, used by namer/name-user c3. The family is bonded/tied/joined according to standard z3.
c1 is the username/pseudonym/pen-name of c2=p1 for use with/by resource c3=p2 for purpose p3.
c1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the (proper) name identifying an individual person [not necessarily human] c2=p1 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
c1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the place name [inherent/inalienable site/place/position/situation/spot/location] of c2=s1 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
x1 is a morphologically defined name word meaning x2 in language x3.
lai'e (exp!)
Named reference. It converts a sumti into another sumti. The converted sumti points to the referent the name of which is the referent of the unconverted sumti.
xau'o (exp!)
text to number/variable
x1 is called after property x2 by x3
x1 (text) is a temporary name for x2 (text, object, event) chosen in such a way that it is not used for naming anything else within the current scope
x1 is an impostor, pretender; x1 engages in deception under an assumed name or identity x2.
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'text' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'free' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
xa zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-6' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.