efku fu'ivla

x1 is recursively related to x2 by applying x3 (number) levels-of-recursion of the predicate-relation x4 (ka with two ce'u)

Shortening of refkusi for more convenience in making V'y-style zi'evla-lujvo. tanru example for common usage: 'the day three days from now (tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow)' is 'lo bavlamdei efku be fi li ci'. Cf. krefu, rapli, efku

In notes:

x1 is infinitely recursively related to x2 by applying infinite levels of recursion to predicate relation x3 (ka with two ce'u)
x1=xadba1=efku1 is an exact/approximate half of a half of a half... of x2=xadba2=efku2, cut in half exactly x3=efku3 times, by standard x4=xadba3
x1 happens, then if x2 is true, x1 repeatedly happens as long as x2 is true
if x1 is true, x2 happens, then repeats as long as x1 is true
x1 (sequence) is a chain, the neighbouring elements of which are related by x2 (ckini3, former element in sequence first)
x1 is recursively related to x2 by applying x3 (number) levels-of-recursion of the predicate-relation x4 (ka with two ce'u)
x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka) via intermediate steps x4 (ce'o; (ordered) list).