ze'apu ZEhA* cmavo-compound

time tense: a medium time interval offset towards the past; (tense/modal).

On grammatical class:

time tense interval: a medium length of time.
time tense interval: the whole of time.
time tense interval: an instantaneous/tiny/short amount of time.
time tense interval: a long amount of time.
zei'au (exp!)
time tense interval: for some length of time.
baze'e (comp!)
time tense: forever after / forevermore
ze'aba (comp!)
time tense: a medium time interval offset towards the future; (tense/modal).
ze'aca (comp!)
time tense: a medium time interval spanning the present; (tense/modal).
ze'apu (comp!)
time tense: a medium time interval offset towards the past; (tense/modal).

In definition:

x1 is the selma'o "ZEhA".

In notes:

x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'time' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.