bancocysle lujvo

s1=c1 is a linguistic-gesture unit/chereme [in analogy with phoneme; specifically, nonvocal] representing/that is recognized meaningful conceptual subunit underlying specific gestures/gesture-phones s2 in language b1 used by b2 in order to communicate/express b3=c2 (si'o/du'u; not quote) made using body part/utensil/tool/locus c3 by motion/action/means c4

From bangu corci (here non-vocal) selci. x2 is a recognized/represented by (belongs to equivalence class of) chereme x1. The chereme may not have meaning on its own but must be expressive naturally and/or in that language (as a gesture and phoneme is, respectively). See also banvoksle, xancrcereme, lercorci, cocle'u, corci, xanle'u, xanle'ule'u, xanbau, saskrcereme

In notes:

s1 (phone/speech sounds; specifically is linguistic and vocal) is a phoneme in/of segment of utterance/speech stream s2=v1 in language b1 of speaker v2=b2 in order to communicate/express b3 (si'o/du'u; not quote(?)), produced with body-parts/tools x6 at loci/in position/manner (of articulation) x7