celguntas cmevla

x1 is Sagittarius [astronomical constellation/astrological sign].

From shooter (=celgunta). The Babylonians identified Sagittarius as the god Pabilsaĝ, a strange centaur-like creature firing an arrow from a bow.The sumerian name may be translated as the 'Forefather' or 'Chief Ancestor' (=barda dzena?). In Greek mythology, Sagittarius is identified as a centaur: half human, half horse.

In notes:

x1=ce1=cl1 is a rifle for use against x2 by x3, launching projectile c2 propelled by c3.
x1=c1 is a machine gun for use against x2 by x3, launching projectile c2 propelled by c3.
x1 = c1 is a gun/chemically launched metal slug throwing weapon for use against x2 by x3; weapon fires metallic objects x4 using chemical propellant x5.