centre lujvo

m1=c1 is m2=c2 centimeter(s) / hundredth(s) of a meter [metric unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction m3=c3 by standard x4=m3.

Cf. navytre, centi, mitre.

In definition:

b1=c1 is a tornado/waterspout moving from direction b2 at speed b3 rotating around centre /eye c2 with rotational direction c3.
x1=g1 is a shopping mall/shopping centre of stores x2=g2=z1
b1=c1 is a typhoon/hurricane/cyclone moving from direction b2 at speed b3 rotating around centre /eye c2 with rotational direction c3.

In notes:

m1=n1 is m2=n2 nanometer(s) / billionth(s) of a meter [metric unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction m3=n3 by standard x4=m3.
x1 reflects Roman culture/nation/geography/language/history in aspect x2 prior to any divisions. x1 pertains to the Roman city/city-state/kingdom/Republic/Empire (prior to division).