dutso experimental gismu

x1 is clockwise/right-turn-direction of[/to] x2 along/following track x3 [path] in frame of reference x4 (where the axis is within the region defined by the track as the boundary, as viewed from and defined by view(er) x4; see notes); x1 is locally to the right of x2, according to x4, constrained along x3; x1 is along a right turn from x2 along path x3, as viewed in frame x4.

Angular/curling direction: clockwise. he orientation of the path determines x4 but does not factor into consideration for x3. Further glosses: clockwise, locally rightward, right-turning (with no bulk translation) in a way that would be characterized as "negative" by the right-hand rule (aligned with and in the direction of a basis vector, at least for a given component). x1 is left-handedly/clockwise(ly) oriented relative to x2 on/along x3 in frame of reference x4. x1 is left-handed (one sense) from x2 [more accurately: moving from x2 to x1 requires a(n imaginary) motion that is left-handed about/along x3 as seen in frame/orientation/perspective x4]. x1 is to the path-following right of x2 (where the path is connected; as such, x1 is also be to the path-following left of x2, although there is an implication that the former is the smaller (or equal-length) path). See also: zucna, du'ei (left-handed vectorial cross product), du'oi (modal). Proposed short rafsi: -tso-.

In notes:

x1 is counterclockwise/left-turn-direction of[/to] x2 along/following track x3 [path] in frame of reference x4 (where the axis is within the region defined by the track as the boundary, as viewed from and defined by view(er) x4; see notes); x1 is locally to the left of x2, according to x4, constrained along x3; x1 is along a left turn from x2 along path x3, as viewed in frame x4.
location tense relation/direction (angular); clockwise from..., locally rightwards/to the right of ...