fi'ai ZOhU experimental cmavo

marks end of prenex in stack-based dialect

switches to a stack-based dialect of Lojban. Separates stack elements from following stack operators. Sequential stack operators are separated either via .ije or by chaining them into tanru (operators to be applied from each tanru left to right). Popping top stack element into output is done using fasnu or fatci. '.i lezmiku lenatmi leprenu lekraice fi'ai du .ije srana .ije gandygau' means 'The loyal man of the nation deactivates the robot'. 'xy.boi y.buboi zy.boi fi'ai setmice cmima .i lenatmi leprenu lekraice fi'ai du .ije srana .ije gandygau' means 'The loyal man of the nation deactivates X,Y, and Z'.