ionti fu'ivla

x1 is an ion of radical/(atom of element)x2 with x3 charges

c.f. ma'u zei ionti, ni'u zei ionti, lektoni, xumsle.

In notes:

x1 is a anode/positive electrode.
x1 is a cathode/negative electrode.
dropanra zei ionti
x1 is a hydrogenic ion of element/isotope x2; x1 is isoelectronic to/with hydrogen; x1 is an x2 atom with exactly one electron
ma'u zei ionti
x1 is an cation of radical/(atom of element)x2 with x3 charges.
ni'u zei ionti
x1 is an anion of radical/(atom of element)x2 with x3 charges.