jibnije fu'ivla

x1 is near to/close to/approximates x2 in property/quality/aspect/characteristic/quantity x3, and the argument(s) which fill the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually has/attains property (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.

x3 being a quantity or location does not seem to make much sense to Krtisfranks at the time of this word's creation, but they are kept as potential options just in case such could have some unforeseen utility. See also: "simsaje", "dunlije".

In notes:

x1 is equal/congruent/as much as x2 in property/quality/aspect x3 (ka), and each of x1 and (necessarily) x2 actually has/attains property (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x4.
x1 is similar to/appears like/seems like x2 in quality/property/aspect x3 (ka), and the argument(s) in the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually attains/has the said quality (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.