nicfa experimental gismu

x1 (vector) is the displacement of x2 (object/point) relative to x3 (object/point; contextless default: origin) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x4 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x5

x1 is (four-)vector-valued; it is a function that maps to a tensor (probably a vector or scalar) to a (four-)vector. Units are handled in x1, which will be a (four-)vector of mitre or the like. Time of measurement is just «ca» or the argument of the function(s) in x1, or can be defined instantaneously by x4. Proposed short rafsi: -nif-. See also: nifkemtemsalri.

In notes:

x1 (vector) is the differintegral (with respect to time) of order x2 of the displacement of x3 (object/point) relative to x4 (object/point/frame of reference; contextless default: the origin in the home frame) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x5 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x6, taken with starting point x7
x1 (scalar-valued) is the magnitude of the vector of the differintegral (with respect to time) of order x2 of the displacement of x3 (object/point) relative to x4 (object/point/frame of reference; contextless default: origin) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x5 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x6, where the differintegral is taken with starting point x7, in metric/by definition x8
x1 is the spacial interval/geodesic segment (or line segment/ray/line) from location/point x2 to location/point x3 in geometry/frame of reference x4.