o A cmavo

logical connective: sumti afterthought biconditional/iff/if-and-only-if.

On gloss:

letteral for o.

In definition:

x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of oxygen (O); [metaphor: supporting life/combustion].
s1=j1 is pudding / jelly / Jell-O / a sugary gelatin dessert containing j2.
o'y (exp!)
letteral for o.
xa'ei'o (exp!)
binary mekso operator: Let the inputs X1 and X2 be sets in the same universal set O; then the result of this operator applied to them is X1^c \cup X, where for any A \subseteq O, Ac = O \setminus A.
xa'ei'u (exp!)
binary mekso operator: Let the inputs X1 and X2 be sets in the same universal set O; then the result of this operator applied to them is X1^c \cap X, where for any A \subseteq O, Ac = O \setminus A.
x1 is a Jack O’Lantern.
jbobau zei po'o zei pulji
x1 is the "J B O B A U P O h O" police.

In notes:

x1 and x2 have the same truth value; either both or none of x1 and x2 is true
x1=p1 is a diode of x2=p2
a'e'i'o'u (exp!)
esoteric/mystical utterance; untranslatable, meaning revealed by gnosis
non-logical connective/mekso operator - of arity only 1 xor 2: set (absolute) complement, or set exclusion (relative complement). Unary: X2 ^C; binary: X1\setminusX.
ma'au (exp!)
Binary mekso operator: uniform probability A(X2)u(X for input (X1,X where X1 is a number and X2 is a set or space. (See notes for details).
digit/number: Niven's smallest-exponent prime factorization constant c = zeta(3/2)/zeta(3) ≈ 2.1732543125195541382370898404…
(something which approximately has) the abstract shape of the symbol for the previous construct
x1 (mass/set) do orienteering in competition of type x2 [property of the event] with (other) rule(s) x3 [property of each participant].
x1 reflects Toki Pona culture/nationality/language in aspect x2
Cuyahoga county, Ohio