oi UI1 cmavo

attitudinal: complaint - pleasure.

See also pante, pluka, kufra.

In definition:

ai'y (exp!)
letteral for i when ending a diphthong (ai, ei, oi), sometimes written as ị

In notes:

convert a grammatical quotation to a tanru unit; x1 expresses/says the quoted text for audience x2 via expressive medium x3.
oi'a (exp!)
Attitudinal: offended/insulted - unoffended - deserving and accepting
oi'o (exp!)
attitudinal: fuck/shit - fuck yeah/hell yeah
roi'i (exp!)
emotion category/modifier: creative, artistic (emotion felt in proverbial/mythical "right brain") - analytic, methodical (emotion felt in proverbial/mythical "left brain")
Any parser parsing the text/sentence/fragment containing this cmavo, must answer that the whole text/sentence/fragment is not syntactically not correct.
x1 "ragequits" / leaves angrily from x2 via route x3