prejumydu'a'y'utka lujvo

x1 infects a recipient who infects a recipient who infects ... who infects recipient x2 with contagion x3 via means of infection/contamination x4 and through intermediaries x5 (ce'o list).; x1 spreads contagion x3 through a network such that they indirectly infect x2 via a route through finitely-many intermediary nodes x5.

This word is a brapagjvo of "prejumydu'a" and ".utka"; each sumti slot should be interpreted as in those words - for example, "contagion" is used broadly, as in the definition of "prejumydu'a". Technically, because "prejumydu'a" is not a binary predicate, it maybe should be avoided as a modifier of ".utka". See also: "selprejumydu'a'y'utka".

In notes:

x1 is infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by ... which was infected/contaminated by x2, regarding/pertaining to contagion x3 and via means of transmission x4, through intermediary nodes x5 (ce'o list).