prulamcerni lujvo

c1=l1=p1 is yesterday morning; c1=l1=p1 is the morning before p2=l2 at location c3.

Syn. prulamdeicerni. Morning (=cerni), tomorrow morning (=bavlamcerni), this morning (=cabdeicerni).

In notes:

x1 is a morning [dawn until after typical start-of-work for locale] of day x2 at location x3.
c1=l1=b1 is tomorrow morning; c1=l1=b1 is the morning after b2=l2 at location c3.
x1=ce1=ca1 is this morning; x1=ce1=ca1 is the morning occuring at the same time as day x2=ce2=d1 at location x3=ce3.
c1=l1=p1 is yesterday morning; c1=l1=p1 is the morning before day p2=l2=d1 at location c3.