rokybixmivborvelvi'u lujvo

x1 is the petrified/fossilized remains/remnant/trace of (once-)biological entity/organism x2 with rock composition x3 and location x4

The remains must have become stone/rock (so, are not "fresh"). The remains need not be a body (part) but must have originated from a biological entity (trace: tracks/footprints, feathers/hair, scat, etc.). See also: mivyvelvicyvauro'i

In notes:

x1=r1=va1 is a rock cobtaining trace/remnant/fossil x2=vi4=va2 of biological entity/organism x2=j1=vi3, with rock composition x4=r2 and from location x5=r3; x2 is the fossilized trace of organism x3 preserved in rock x1
x1=b1 becomes rock/is petrified/is fossilized/is transformed into a statue x2=r1=b2 (result) of composition x3=r2 at/from location x4=r3 under condition x5=b3