slaka bu BY* bu-letteral

letteral: Lojban ',' character.

On affix form:

x1 is a syllable in language x2.

In definition:

x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3.
x1 (quoted text) is a “bu letteral” of character x2 (zoi quote).
le1=lo1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a letter/digit/symbol of Lojban’s alphabet representing le3
x1 (letteral: la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a hyphen/joining letter(al) in language x2 with function in/context of use/with rules for use/with properties x3, joining prefixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x4 (quote) to postfixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x5 (quote) in construct (full word) x6 (quote)
l1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a hand sign in character-set of sign language/system of manual communicationl2 representing l3 performed by hand(s) x1.
xl1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a fingerspelling sign in character-set of sign language/system of manual communication xl2 representing letter/digit/symbol xl3=l1 in written alphabet/character-set xl2 performed by hand(s) xl4.
x1 (quoted text) is a “bu letteral” of character x2 (zoi quote).
zi'e'a (exp!)
converts a following bu-letteral into a sumti representing the musical natural note with that name.
zi'e'e (exp!)
converts a following bu-letteral into a sumti representing the musical sharp note with that name.
zi'e'i (exp!)
converts a following bu-letteral into a sumti representing the musical double sharp note with that name.
zi'e'o (exp!)
converts a following bu-letteral into a sumti representing the musical flat note with that name.
zi'e'u (exp!)
converts a following bu-letteral into a sumti representing the musical double flat note with that name.
x1 is the selma'o "BU".
x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a capital/capitalised/upper-shift letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3.
x1 (brivla/selbri) is used by place x2 (number/me'o+FA+bu) being filled with (a description of / symbol for) x3, in the usage of x4, according to rule(s) x5.
x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a lower-case letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3.
ga'e zei lerfu
x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a capital/capitalised/upper-shift letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3.
to'a zei lerfu
x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a lower-case letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3.

In notes:

x1 is sound produced/emitted by x2.
x1 is a word meaning/causing x2 in language x3; (adjective: x1 is lexical/verbal).
m1 (sance) is (in)/occupies the nucleus of syllable s1=m2.
x1 (zoi quote) is x2 moras/morae in 'weight' (default: 1) by standard x3.
x1 is a language/dialect used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (text, not clause)
x1 is a language used by x2 to express x3 (du'u, not quote)