digit/number: many.
In notes:
- menli
- x1 is a mind/intellect/psyche/mentality/[consciousness] of body x2.
- nunsorbi'a
- x1 is an epidemic involving patients x2 experiencing symptoms x3 from disease x4
- sorcinpa'i
- x1=c1=p1 is sexually polyamorous/sexually loves many people/more than one person including, but not limited to, set x2=p2 in situation/activity/state x3=c2, exhibiting sexuality/gender/sexual orientation (ka) x4=c3 by standard x5=c4.
- sordu'e
- x1 is too many / too much / too numerous by standard x2
- sordu'i
- x1 equals in number to x2
- sorgugje'a
- j1 is an empire governing over g1 provinces with j2=g3 territories.
- sorjaknykarce
- k1 is a multiple rocket launcher propelled by k3.
- sorlutca'u
- p1=c1 is a maze (an area with many paths) occupied by c2, with route(s) leading to exit p2 from entrance p3 via points including p4 (set).
- sormau
- x1 is more numerous than x2
- sorme'a
- x1 is less numerous than x2
- sormei
- x1 are numerous/many
- sornai
- n1 is an international group of peoples n2.
- sorpa'i
- x1=p1 is polyamorous/loves many people (romantic love implied), including, but not limited to, set x2=p2.
- sorska
- sk1 is/appears to be colorful/many-colored as perceived/seen by sk3 under conditions sk4.
- sortai
- x1 is polymorphic, has polymorphism
- soryroi
- x1 happens many times in interval x2.
- sai'ei
- turns PA into CAI; intensity attitude modifier expressed by a mekso.
- so'i'a (exp!)
- digit/number: slightly less than a minimal-majority; the maximal-minority.
- so'i'e (exp!)
- digit/number: a very large minority; the plurality.
- so'i'i (exp!)
- digit/number: complement of "{so'e'i}"; a qualifying, controlling, or decision-making minority; a subminority.
- rolsixu
- For every x in x1, there exists a y in x2 such that x me'au x3 y; For every y in x2 there exists an x in x1 such that x me'au x3 y.
- skarxuciba
- x1 has the color with red level x2, green level x3, blue level x4