tai'e'i VUhU experimental cmavo

mekso unary operator: basic Schlafli symbol composer (defined only on ordered lists)

Given an ordered (typically finite) list (which is a single object) of zero or more (probably nonnegative) rational numbers, L = (X_1, X_2, ..., X_n). This word composes them in order into a Schlafli symbol S(L) with these entries exactly and without any entries that do not appear in the list so as to produce an (n-1)-dimensional regular polytope. For example: L = () implies that S(L) = S(()) is a line segment. Where L = (6), S(L) = S((6)) is a regular convex hexagon; generally, for integer X_1 > 2, S((X_1)) is a proper convex regular (X_1)-gon. S((X_1, X_2) is a proper convex regular polyhedron with polygonal faces being all of form S((X_1)) such that they are arranged with X_2 touching at each vertex of the polyhedron. Star polytopes and tessellations are supported. More general notation such as Schlafli symbols prefixed by a letter/acted upon by a function, which are affixed with/multiplied by a number or other symbols, which contain "|", etc. are not presently supported in this definition; only the most basic/classic Schlafli symbols (those composed of a single pair of curly braces containing rational numbers separated only by commas, and nothing else) are presently supported. Certain operators (such as "half", "alter", etc., as well as Cartesian product, "add"/"plus", and "join", and affixation of other numbers or symbols) have somewhat special definitions on Schlafli symbols; they are presently not supported in Lojban (but this will hopefully soon change). Not all ordered lists will produce good output. See also: tarmrclefli

In notes:

x1 is a geometric figure/form/shape [polytope, tessellation, etc.] that is similar to the regular one given by Schlafli symbol x2