tcelerita fu'ivla

x1 (number; default: 1) is the physical speed supremum (for objects of positive masses)/celeritas/c0 expressed in units x2 (default: in terms of natural parameter c0; id est: unitless/dimensionless and equal to 1) in (paradigm/system of) physics x3 (default: this, our actual. physical universe and reality);

In the Newtonian model, for any finite nonzero units of spatial length and temporal duration, c0 is infinitely large. In the modern Relativistic/Einsteinian paradigm of physics, c0 is a finite positive number for any finite nonzero units of spatial length and temporal duration; thus, in such cases, we can set it equal to 1 (begin measuring in terms of percentage of c0) and gain scaled Relativistic results; by Maxwellian electromagnetism, c0 = 299792458 m/s. Notice the lack of reference to the speed of light and of media through which the wave/particle propagates. This is a physical constant of a universe; any entities of zero mass in a universe will propagate at c0 in an ideal perfect vacuum/classical free space - we just happen to name three such entities "light", "gravitation", and "the strong nuclear force". See also: plankexu, gravnutnoia, boltsemaku, avgadro, ocnerta.

In notes:

x1 is Avogadro constant NA [approximately equal to: 6.02214129(27) × 1023 mol-1], expressed in units x2 in paradigm/system/metaphysics/universe x3 (default: this, our actual, physical universe).
x1 is the Boltzmann kB constant linking energy with temperature [approximately equal to: 1.380 6488(13)×10−23 J/K], expressed in units x2 (default: unitless/dimensionless and equal to 1) in paradigm/system/metaphysics/universe x3 (default: this, our actual, physical universe)
x1 is Newton's constant of universal gravitation/G/big G [approximately equal to: 6.67×10(−11) N·(m/kg)2 ] expressed in units x2 (default: unitless/dimensionless and equal to 1) in paradigm/system/metaphysics/universe x3 (default: this, our actual, physical universe)
x1 is the momentum [vector] of x2 in frame of reference x3
x1 is the linear-momentum-energy-mass [four-vector] of x2 in frame of reference x3
x1 is a physically-required conserved quantity in an ideal closed system such that it is associated with (Noetherian) symmetry/Hamiltonian-commuting observable/deterministic feature/law/property/aspect x2, applicable under conditions/in universe/in metaphysics x3
x1 is the elementary unit (quantum) of angular momentum/half of Planck's reduced constant [id est: hbar/2 = h/(4 pi)] expressed in units x2 (default: unitless/dimensionless and so that it is equal to 1) in paradigm/system/metaphysics/universe x3 (default: this, our actual, physical universe)
x1 has a speed of x2 space units covered in x3 time period; x1 has the magnitude of velocity measured by x2 (space units) traversed in time x3 (event)