toi'e TOIhE experimental cmavo

start UI-applicative metalinguistic UI-parenthetical

Presently (without this word), there is no "official" way to apply a UI cmavo to another (instead, they merely express simultaneous emotions pertaining to the relevant construct). This word begins a parenthetical which can contain UI cmavo and applies these cmavo as a string of UI to the immediately previous UI cmavo metalinguistically (as if the external UI is/are any other type of word which can be acted upon by UI). An omitted UI (external or internal) in this case is equivalent to ge'e. Since the produced parenthetical functions as UI, nested or subsequent such parentheticals operate on it as it operates on external UI cmavo. For details on grouping and application, see koi'e. See also: toi'o.

In notes:

ji'au (exp!)
attitudinal scope modifier: marks following attitudinal/UI-cluster as applying to the last lexical unit
kai'au (exp!)
Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive or attitudinal: I express this utterance in a manner or with mental state which is described by the immediately following and enclosed bridi in reference to the tagged construct, or assert that the said immediately following and enclosed bridi is true in application to the tagged construct in a metacommentary style.
koi'e (exp!)
UI-cmavo parenthesis/separator: start grouping
end UI-applicative metalinguistic UI-parenthetical (elidable terminator)