uaigri fu'ivla

x1 is a future but not current/eventual x2 as of time x3 according to standard x4; x1 is a soon-to-be-x2; x1 is an example of an x2-apparent.

Actual soonness is not implied; that wording is just an artifact of English translation. x2 should be a role or possession of a property; unless x1 is an or could be an event, it should not be one either (more generally, they have to match type in a sense). Use of this word is, inherently, a prediction about the future; x4 is not the standard by which the expectation/prediction is presently made but by which anyone/anything next becoming an x2 would/will be judged. x4 is the standard by which x2 will be claimed (to be) but by which x2 is claimed to currently not be; commencement/assumption of the state of being an example of an x2 must occur in the future but must still (in the present) not apply. It may have been true of/possessed in in the past, but this case is not considered, under normal circumstances, to be resumptive: the state may have been done/terminated (but not necessarily finished) but definitely/regardlessly will be started anew. This word is good for the titles "President-elect", "heir-apparent", and "crown-prince". See also: ".eikse".

In notes:

x1 is a former/previously was but no longer is/used to be (a) x2 as of time x3 according to standard x4; x1 is an ex-x2.
uaigri zei eikse
x1 is a not yet but soon to be former x2 as of time x3 according to standard x4.