vlinyje'u lujvo

at least one of the statements x1 (du'u) and x2 (du'u) is true (logical disjunction)

Synonymous with zilvlina. See also vlina, kaxyje'u/zilkanxe (TFFF), nibzilvlina (TFTT), jetydu'i (TFFT), jetfrica (FTTF), zilzilo (TTTT).

In notes:

x1 and x2 have a different truth value; only one of x1 and x2 is true
x1 and x2 have the same truth value; either both or none of x1 and x2 is true
both statements x1 (du'u) and x2 (du'u) are true (logical conjunction)
at least one of the statements x1 (du'u) and x2 (du'u) is true (logical disjunction)