xo'ei VUhU experimental cmavo

unary mekso operator: produces a string of n consecutive "xo'e"'s, treated as digits (concatenated into a single string of digits)

n can be any nonnegative integer, (countable) infinity, or vague (in which case it could mean a nonnegative integer or (countable) infinity). The default value of n is vague/elliptical, thus transforming this word into a 0-ary operator. The output is a string of digits, not a number; thus, it automatically attaches to a string of PA's if immediately preceding this word; following digits must be concatenated on; it might be necessary to convert this string into a number (especially if it is isolated and/or is being acted upon an operator that is defined as desired for numbers but not for digits or strings), but the conversion may be automatic according to the grammar (at least in some contexts). xo'e is considered to represent exactly one 'digit' (really: PA member) in the given base until it is converted into a number. Since pi belongs to PA, technically at least zero xo'e's can actually be meant to be radix point(s); at most, the total allowable number of radix points in a digit string, less the number of explicitly mentioned pi's that occur therein (within the macrodigit), is the number of pi's that can be referenced elliptically by this means. ma'u and ni'u are possible references for microdigits where allowed by the base. This word 'knows where it lives', meaning that it will only produce digit strings that are composed of PA's that are allowed by the base and notation given the rest of the context, which form allowed macrodigits, and which will represent part of a context-allowed number. Proposed rafsi: "-xon-", where the default case (n is vague) is assumed (thus, as a rafsi, "-xon-" represents any number that is expressible in the base by a string of concatenated digits and radix point(s) and which makes sense/satisfies implicit conditions placed upon it (such as signum, or being integer, etc.); this meaning is usually described by using variables "n" or "x" in English, such as in: "n-ary", "n-many", "x-meter-long", etc.).

In definition:

At-most-unary mekso operator: like {xo'ei} but for selma'o XOhEhOhE, rather than just PA

In notes:

mekso operator/function terminator (in Polish notation): inserts exactly enough "{boi}"'s consecutively so as to terminate the most recently uttered operator/function in a mekso expression
PA: blank/empty digit
digit/number: a finite/bounded number, finitely many.
x1 is a formal polynomial with coefficients x2 (ordered list) of degree x3 (li; nonnegative integer) over structure/ring x4 (to which coefficients x2 all belong) and in indeterminant x5.
ka'o zei namcu
x1 is a complex number (understood as such).
ka'ozeino zei namcu
x1 is a pure real number (such that its imaginary part is 0) understood as an example of a complex number.
nozeika'o zei namcu
x1 is a pure imaginary number (such that its real part is 0) understood as an example of a complex number.