ze'ei SI experimental cmavo

nonce word with existing grammar

Binds two arbitrary words together to form a nonce word whose semantics are indicated by the left word and whose grammar is the same as that of the right word. Useful for creating function words without having to allocate experimental cmavo forms.

In notes:

li'i ze'ei ka
abstractor: experience of being: x1 is x2's experience of being [bridi] (property of x2; with {ce'u} referring to x2's position)
li'i ze'ei nu
abstractor: experience of event: x1 is x2's experience of observing or participating in [bridi] (event)
si'o ze'ei du'u
abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of [bridi] (proposition or {kau}-question)
si'o ze'ei ka
abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of the property [bridi]
si'o ze'ei nu
abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of the event [bridi]
si'o ze'ei poi'i
abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of the object bound to {ke'a} and described by [bridi]