zu'e BAI cmavo

zukte modal, 1st place (purposed agent) with goal-seeking actor ...

On affix form:

x1 is a volitional entity employing means/taking action x2 for purpose/goal x3/to end x3.

In notes:

x1 (event) is deliberate, intentional on the part of x2
zu'ei (exp!)
Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive: I express this utterance/construct/(rest of the) bridi which has been tagged for the purpose or goal of enacting, causing, enabling, implementing, actualizing, manifesting, enhancing, yielding, or rendering applicable the immediately following and enclosed bridi or in order to make the immediately following and enclosed bridi be true (or closer to the truth or more true or more strongly true) in application to the utterance/construct/rest of the bridi which has been tagged by this marker; the tagged expression/construct is for the benefit or sake of making the immediately following and enclosed bridi true.
x1 has an intention to influence the behavior of x2, to command, control x2