tai'i COI2 experimental cmavo

Converts following cmevla or zoi-quote into phenomime.

Broader term than ci'oi and sa'ei. See also tai, tamsmi, ki'ai. Examples in some languages. jpn: しーん (shiin): soundlessly. kor: 슬슬 (seul-seul): gently. nep: हत्तपत्त (hattapatta): immediately.

On grammatical class:

vocative: request to send/speak.
vocative: greetings/hello.
vocative: partings/good-bye.
vocative: over and out (end discussion).
vocative: hospitality - inhospitality; you are welcome/ make yourself at home.
vocative: roger (ack) - negative acknowledge
vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
vocative: please repeat.
vocative: thanks - no thanks to you.
self vocative: self-introduction - denial of identity; identifies speaker.
vocative: over (response OK) - more to come.
vocative: promise - promise release - un-promise.
vocative: please.
vocative: ready to receive - not ready to receive.
vocative: interruption.
vocative: wilco (ack and will comply).
a'oi (exp!)
vocative: slightly piratical greetings
bu'oi (exp!)
Interjection: Boo!
co'oi (exp!)
Combination of {coi} and {co'o}, indicating either greetings or partings according to context; may also constitute a greeting in passing (such as {coico'o}).
de'a'ai (exp!)
vocative: pausing conversation
di'a'ai (exp!)
vocative: resuming conversation
di'ai (exp!)
vocative: well-wish - curse
doi'oi (exp!)
vocative: to the attention of, CC, carbon-copy(ing) ...
fau'u (exp!)
Forgive me!/I'm sorry!
fe'oi (exp!)
Vocative: Fin, the end, you may applaud now, conclusion; story ending or punchline marker
ke'o'a (exp!)
vocative: please repeat in simpler words.
ke'o'e (exp!)
vocative: please repeat over and over in a soft tone that puts me in a trance
ke'o'o (exp!)
vocative: please repeat more slowly / more clearly enunciated.
ke'o'u (exp!)
vocative: please repeat in a language I understand better.
ku'au'i (exp!)
ku'o'e'a (exp!)
quod erat demonstrandum, Q.E.D.
o'ai (exp!)
vocative: slightly surprised greetings
sau'ei (exp!)
vocative: celebratory cheer/hooray
sau'e'u (exp!)
topicalizer (sumtcita/discursive; somewhat meta): the following discourse is about/relates to/has topic/concerns
sei'ai (exp!)
vocative: sweet dreams.
sei'u (exp!)
vocative: "you're welcome / happy to help / no problem" - "just this once / you owe me"
te'ei (exp!)
Vocative: request/command that recipient acknowledge having received (and understood) the message (iff they did (and do)) - no need to respond
ve'ei (exp!)
Vocative: from station - to station
xu'e (exp!)
vocative: said/quoth..., used to identify the person speaking a single sentence (e.g. in dialogues)
zau'e (exp!)
vocative: go! / come on! / get on it! / let's!
coico'o (comp!)
vocative: greetings in passing.
fi'inai (comp!)
vocative: hospitality - inhospitality.
je'enai (comp!)
vocative: roger (ack) - negative acknowledge (I didn't hear you)
jo'aunai (comp!)
denial of dialect
ju'icu'i (comp!)
vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
ju'inai (comp!)
vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
ki'enai (comp!)
vocative: thanks - no thanks to you.
mi'enai (comp!)
self vocative: self-introduction - denial of identity; denies identity of speaker.
mu'onai (comp!)
vocative: over (response OK) - more to come.
nu'ecu'i (comp!)
vocative: promise - promise release - un-promise.
nu'enai (comp!)
vocative: promise - promise release - un-promise.
re'inai (comp!)
vocative: ready to receive - not ready to receive.
sau'e'unai (comp!)
cancel topic
ci'oi (exp!)
Converts following cmevla or zoi-quote into psychomime.
go'au (exp!)
marks the tagged sumti as being scope-wide within the immediate parent (text-wide by default) specified in the argument of the vocative
goi'e (exp!)
assign sentence or tu'e...tu'u group to sumti
jo'au (exp!)
change version/dialect of parser
ki'ai (exp!)
Converts following selbri, cmevla, or zoi-quote into a nonce interjection/attitudinal.
sa'ei (exp!)
Converts following cmevla or zoi-quote into onomatopoeia. (bam! crash! kapow! etc.)
tai'i (exp!)
Converts following cmevla or zoi-quote into phenomime.

In definition:

generic vocative marker; identifies intended listener; elidable after COI.
x1 is the selma'o "COI".

In notes:

x1 (agent) greets/hails/[welcomes/says hello to]/responds to arrival of x2 in manner x3 (action).
generic single-word generic vocative marker; identifies intended listener with a single, possibly non-Lojban word, delimited by pauses (in speech) or by whitespace (in writing).
li'oi (exp!)
marks word/construct as being optional, i.e. the bridi would still be both grammatical AND reflect the speakers opinion/intention would the marked construct be left out
ma'oi (exp!)
selma'o quote; quotes a word (a cmavo) and uses it to name a selma'o.
Marks an endpoint of a quote/string/expression and specifies that (relative to the original) the quote/string/expression so marked is complete, accurate, and well-portrayed by the quote/string/expression on the relevant side of the excerpt, including wrt all relevant information and when factoring in the content and context of the quotation-external discourse in which said quote/string/expression appears; indicator that quote mining or cherry-picking did not occur and that the excerpt which is quoted is not deceptive.
ni'au (exp!)
attitudinal: 'how do you do?'
tai'a (exp!)
discursive: pay a lot of attention to what I just said - ignore what I just said.
converts following word to selbri-unit: "x1 is related to the meaning of this word in aspect x2"
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'vocative' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 (lu; quote) is said/expressed by x2, followed by expression x3 (lu; quote), via expressive medium x4, and then continuing on/proceeding/serially resuming to express/say x5 (lu; quote), and then x6 (lu; quote), and then x7 (lu; quote), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).