sau'e'unai COI* cmavo-compound

cancel topic

The topic of the current discourse which relates to or is referenced by the immediately following sumti is hereby cancelled.

On grammatical class:

coico'o (comp!)
vocative: greetings in passing.
fi'inai (comp!)
vocative: hospitality - inhospitality.
je'enai (comp!)
vocative: roger (ack) - negative acknowledge (I didn't hear you)
ju'icu'i (comp!)
vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
ju'inai (comp!)
vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
ki'enai (comp!)
vocative: thanks - no thanks to you.
mi'enai (comp!)
self vocative: self-introduction - denial of identity; denies identity of speaker.
mu'onai (comp!)
vocative: over (response OK) - more to come.
nu'ecu'i (comp!)
vocative: promise - promise release - un-promise.
nu'enai (comp!)
vocative: promise - promise release - un-promise.
re'inai (comp!)
vocative: ready to receive - not ready to receive.
sau'e'unai (comp!)
cancel topic