gei'i'e JOIhI experimental cmavo

mekso unary operator: converts a string of digits which includes {pi} to the same string of digits without {pi}; if {pi} is not present in the original/input string, the output is identical

Probably can be generalized to handle pi'e and distinguish macro- from micro-digits. Notice that it produces a string of digits; the meaning of this string must be established by processing through JUhU or the like. The input must also be a string of digits (not a number). Useful for certain algorithms, such as an nth root algorithm.

On grammatical class:

boi'au (exp!)
immediately convert symbolic string to number (explicit)
fa'ei (exp!)
Unary mekso operator: reverse finite ordered sequence, tuple, list, string, etc.
gei'i'e (exp!)
mekso unary operator: converts a string of digits which includes {pi} to the same string of digits without {pi}; if {pi} is not present in the original/input string, the output is identical

In notes:

joi'i (exp!)
mekso string operator (n-ary): formal right-concatenation; X1 + X, where Xi is a string/word/text/character/letteral/lerfu/quoted utterance (quote appropriately iff necessary; preserve and be careful about the use-vs.-mention distinction) for all i.