zo'ei LAhELUhU experimental cmavo

Something associated with; equivalent to “zo'e pe” or "lo co'e be".

There are a lot of cases where people use "tu'a" where they actually mean zo'ei; once I noticed the usefulness of such a word to elide whole chunks of sentences, I started wanting it all the time. -camgusmis

On grammatical class:

the referent of (indirect pointer); uses the referent of a sumti as the desired sumti.
the members of the set/components of the mass; converts another description type to individuals.
the symbol for (indirect discourse); uses the symbol/word(s) for a sumti as the desired sumti.
the set with members; converts another description type to a set of the members.
the mass composed of; converts another description type to a mass composed of the members.
extracts a concrete sumti from an unspecified abstraction; equivalent to le nu/su'u [sumti] co'e.
sumti qualifier: the sequence made from set or composed of elements/components; order is vague.
cei'u (exp!)
extracts an element from a set, category, class, group, collection, organization, system, etc.
du'au (exp!)
Text to bridi conversion
la'e'au (exp!)
the specific referent of [following sumti] defined/specified by the grammar
lai'e (exp!)
Named reference. It converts a sumti into another sumti. The converted sumti points to the referent the name of which is the referent of the unconverted sumti.
lu'au (exp!)
Bridi to text conversion
moi'a (exp!)
shortening of {lo du'u *sumti* mo kau}
tau'e (exp!)
the abstraction described by text; turns text sumti into abstraction sumti
zi'u (exp!)
the referent of itself; guards the scope of the sumti
zo'ei (exp!)
Something associated with; equivalent to “zo'e pe” or "lo co'e be".

In definition:

grammatically converts LAhE to SE; semantically the result tags the x1 of the selbri as being LAhE the supplied x1. Can be converted to other than x1 with SE.
x1 is the selma'o "LAhE".

In notes:

otherwise lojbanic name, ending in a vowel; multiple names delimited by pauses.
start grammatical name quotation; the quoted text is an identifier and must be grammatical on its own.
ci zei mektika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'operand-3' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
xa zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-6' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.