ambigu fu'ivla

x1 is ambiguous, possibly being x2 (ka) or x3 (ka), this being hard to x4 (2-place ka)

Near-synonyms: ambigu'o, smuvrici

On gloss:

v1=s2 is polysemous/ambiguous/vague, having many meanings including s1 to observer s3.

In definition:

x1 is ambiguous, open to interpretations x2 (plural of property of x1)

In notes:

x1 [ideal] is the conceptual shape/form of object/abstraction/manifestation x2 (object/abstract).
sumti assignment; used to define/assign ko'a/fo'a series pro-sumti; Latin 'sive'.
co1 is a/the anterior (zootomy)/cranial/cephalic end (anatomy)/superior end (human anatomy) of body/object cl1; co1 (subevent) is at the starting point of long event/time-intervall cl1.
co1 is a/the anterior (zootomy)/cranial/cephalic end (anatomy)/superior end (human anatomy)/fore/bow (nautical)/nose (skateboard etc), of body/object cl1; co1 (subevent) is at the ending point of long event/time-intervall cl1.
co1=d1 is/are anterior (zootomy)/cranial/cephalic (anatomy)/superior (human anatomy) with frame-of-reference body/object cl1=d3.
co1=z1 is/are anterior (zootomy)/cranial/cephalic (anatomy)/superior (human anatomy) to z2 by margin z4, in body/object cl1=d3.
x1 is the temporal direction of/toward solstice x2 (event or spacetime coordinates or season (usually specify year); default: Summer solstice) from origin/in reference frame x3 at location/for body x4 and with respect to orbit/sun x5.
x1 is a note low in frequency/pitch produced by x2
x1 is a note high in frequency/pitch produced by x2
x1 a single-use tool/implement/implement for doing x2; x1 is designed to be discarded after the first use.
x1 (individual, mass, or population (set?)) and x2 (individual, mass, or population (set?)) are capable of mutually interbreeding/producing offspring with one another.
x1=t1 is genital/crotch area underwear, serving purpose x2=t3
x1 possess/is permitted only the right to use x2 (and possibly physically possess x2 as well) under law x3
x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a crescent/concave 'horned' (then convex rounded) form/geometric partially-concave lune formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3
mekso operator: in ordered tuple/list/vector/sequence X1, replace the X2th entry with term X3 of appropriate type, and leave all other entries untouched (optional: where the index for the very first/leading/header entry is X4).
ce'oi (exp!)
argument list separator: acts as a comma between arguments in an argument list supplied to a function.
fai'a (exp!)
translation marker - original/native version: marks a construct as having been translated and therefore particularly (possibly, but not necessarily) susceptible to the errors or limitations associated with translation (especially if the translator is unsure of the best result/option)
ji'au (exp!)
attitudinal scope modifier: marks following attitudinal/UI-cluster as applying to the last lexical unit
ka'au (exp!)
mekso unary operator: cardinality (#, | |)
Toggles to no grouping
mu'au'oi (exp!)
Discursive: resuming/continuing example - start new example
vei'o (exp!)
binary mekso operator: form quotient space X1/X.
begin quote that is converted into rafsi, distributing lujvo-glue between quoted words
x1 is a Yank(ee); x1 displays Yankee culture/history in aspect x2 according to x3
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'text' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 is a man/human/humanoid/android (one sense)/person.
x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a crescent/concave 'horned' (then convex rounded) form/geometric partially-concave lune formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3
x1 is a slinku'i word