cei'e SEISEhU experimental cmavo

define following selbri with sentence or tu'e...tu'u clause

Usage: The selbri after cei'e is defined by the associated sentence or tu'e...tu'u clause. bo'a, bo'e, bo'i, bo'o, and bo'u represent places x1 through x5 within its place structure. (Use bo'ai for more places if needed, or ce'u for "next place"). // cei'e is meant to be used to define new words (implicit ca'e) but may be modified by evidentials to express an assertion (ju'a) or opinion (pe'i) on a meaning instead. Alternatively, smuni and ka'ei may be used. // See cei, goi, goi'e

In notes:

pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 1; x1
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 2; x2
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 3; x3
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 4; x4
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 5; x5
goi'e (exp!)
assign sentence or tu'e...tu'u group to sumti
abstractor: predicate abstractor. x1 is the predicate expressed by [bridi], using bo'a, bo'e, etc for variables.