x1 is a "false friend" (letter/symbol in a different writing system that looks similar, but differs significantly in meaning) to x2, in alphabet/character-set x3 representing x4
x1 is a "false friend" (word in different language that looks or sounds similar, but differs significantly in meaning) to x2, meaning x3 in language x4.
x1 is a "false friend" (word in different language that looks or sounds similar, but differs significantly in meaning) to x2, meaning x3 in language x4.
x1 is the text for x2 (concept) according to x3 in language x4; x1 is how x3 would word x2 in language x4; x3 would say x1 when they would want to communicate x2 in language x4; x1 is text(ual) / a quote (meaningful) in language x4.