metfo experimental gismu

x1 (bridi) is a metaphor/figurative expression having literal meaning x2 to observer x3

See sinxa, smuni, sidysmu, tanru, pevna, pe'a, ve lujvo, cimjvo

In notes:

x1 metaphorically translates/transfers/extends/applies concept x2 to new context x3 from prior context x4; x1 uses concept x2 in new way x3, derived from prior way x4.
x1 (text) is an idiom, set phrase, idiomatic expression, phrasal idiom of sequence of words x2 (text) with the formative feature x3 (property of x1)
x1: its qualities are represented as a metaphor x2 in dimension x3+1,2
x1 emits random syllables x2 and hopes that x3 interprets them as meaningful, instead of the bullshit they actually are
x1 emits random syllables x2 and hopes that x3 interprets them as meaningful, instead of the bullshit they actually are