x1 (mass/group/set) is the (primary) out-group counterpart to in-group x2 (mass/group/set) with respect to characteristic x3 (ka; truth/proposition), which is possessed/satisfied by x2, where both x1 and x2 are nonempty, strict, mutually disjoint subdivisions of supergroup/superset x4 (mass/group/set), with the othering performed (mentally; not necessarily in a way externally manifested) according to the psyche of x5; x5 others x1 from x2 around focal issue/property x3
x5 need not be a member of either of x1 and x2. Typically, x4 (possibly excluding x5) is partitioned by x1 and x2 alone. According to x5 the defining/k characteristic common to all members of x2 is x3 and any of its derived properties; no member of x1, according to x5 possesses property x3, which makes them utterly different and alien from x2 by the standards of x5. This word is different from drata or datygau in concept in that 1) x5 is not altering/causing x1 to lack x3 while x1 has x3 (for example: a community of amputees is not formed by x5 hacking limbs off of various people) - in fact, these states may be somewhat inherent/intrinsic to the members of the groups or to the groups themselves (as an emergent property) - and 2) the importance of this difference is enough to unify each x1 and x2 and separate them from eachother in the mind of x5, despite the possibility that they otherwise possess no group-internal similarities or group-external mutual differences. The only commonality guaranteed in x2 is x3; the only commonality in x1 is a lack of x3; these each are their sole respective defining features. No secrecy or lack of knowledge/access is implied, unlike mugle (which has a reference set that is a subset of the reference set of this word).