gafyzmico: Reset all default specifications of immediately previous word to official definition specifications hereinafter (permanently)
Restores all default specifications in the (terbri) structure of immediately previously uttered word so that implicit/omitted zo'e and di'au that may fill the terbri of that word are predefined/specific in reference and do indeed necessarily agree with the default setting explicitly specified in the discourse-external/“official” definition of the word. The terbri are not filled by this word. Usage is only meaningful for a brivla with at least one terbri (regardless of being explicitly filled or otherwise). In a tanru or other complicated construct, only the most recent word undergoes this terbri default restoration (not every term in the construct). A selbri converted to a sumti by gadri has the x1 terbri filled for the purposes of this word, but the default setting of that terbri is so restored all the same; likewise is the case for terbri accessed by be or bei; seltau in the main level of a sumti are filled by the gadri as well for the purposes of this word. Affects all future uses of the word (permanent), until the end of the text/conversation or explicitly undone in some manner. See also: doi'a, de'au, zmico.