fetsi -fet-fe'i- gismu

x1 is a female/doe of species x2 evidencing feminine physical/biological/genetic trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is feminine.

See also nakni. For culturally female traits, see jikyfetsi.

In notes:

x1 is a male/buck of species x2 evidencing masculine physical/biological/genetic trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is masculine.
c1 is a goddess (female deity) of people(s)/religion c2 with dominion over c3 [sphere].
fa1=fe1 is an aunt of fa2 by bond/tie fa3.
j1=f1 is a female/doe of species f2 evidencing feminine cultural trait(s) f3 (ka); j1=f1 is feminine.
x1 is a non-binary/intersex (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
x1 is a non-binary/intersexed (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered, gender-fluid, transgendered, two-spirited, alternatively gendered, or affirmatively non-binarily gendered or nongendered/graygendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
x1 is an agender humanoid person [not necessarily adult].
x1 is a non-binary humanoid person [not necessarily adult].
x1 is a non-binary offspring/child of parent(s) x2 [not necessarily biological]; x1 is filial (but not a son or daughter).
x1 is a non-binary individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
x1 is a non-binary-gendered humanoid person [not necessarily adult]