nunmu experimental gismu

x1 is a non-binary humanoid person [not necessarily adult].

Does not imply asexuality/agenderness (or sexuality/genderedness). See discussion associated with "dinti" concerning whether this meaning is restricted to "affirmatively nonbinary" or whether it is more general. Umbrella term for any non-man, non-woman (in some aspect/consideration/standard) humanoid person. As such, it is a specification of "rempre"/"remna"/"prenu" co-equal with and analogizing "ninmu" and "nanmu"; it generalized some of the aforementioned cases. Word dispreferred in metaphor/example as sexist or exclusionary; use instead "remna" or "prenu". See also: "ninmu", "nanmu", "remna", "prenu", "makcu", "bersa", "tixnu", "paznu", "nakni", "fetsi", "dinti", "nanla", "nixli", "verba", "vepre", "nenmu", "nonmu".

In notes:

x1 is a non-binary/intersex (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
x1 is a non-binary/intersexed (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered, gender-fluid, transgendered, two-spirited, alternatively gendered, or affirmatively non-binarily gendered or nongendered/graygendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
x1 is an agender humanoid person [not necessarily adult].
x1 is a non-binary offspring/child of parent(s) x2 [not necessarily biological]; x1 is filial (but not a son or daughter).
x1 is a non-binary sibling of/to x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3; [not necessarily biological].
x1 is a non-binary parent of x2 [not necessarily biological].
x1 is a non-binary child/kid/juvenile [a young person] of age x2 immature by standard x3.
x1 has [self-proclaimed] gender x2 (property of x1)
x1 is a nonbinary human/human/humanoid/person.