gadri -gad- gismu

x1 is an article/descriptor labelling description x2 (text) in language x3 with semantics x4.

x2 is the noun phrase/sumti without the article/descriptor; description ((x1 with x2) = gadysu'i); note: 'determiner' has become the accepted general linguistics term, displacing 'article'; however, 'determiner' includes all words that can introduce a noun phrase/sumti, whether a description or not, such as pronoun possessives like lemi, quantifiers (especially in indefinites) like ci and su'o, and demonstratives like ti, ta, and tu; the term 'descriptor' in Lojban, is limited to words that introduce descriptions (excluding indefinites), such as those of selma'o LA and LE, their common compounds such as lemi, and possibly lenu. 'article' typically refers only to a single word; Lojban assumes the broader meaning] See also valsi, cmavo.

In definition:

anaphoric mass gadri: start a description of a mass/group/constituency mentioned earlier in the text/conversation, viewed as a whole
demonstrative mass gadri; start a definite description that refers to a mass/group/constituency in the shared frame-of-reference, viewed as a whole
generalized mass gadri; start a description of a generalization of some mass/group/constituency viewed as a whole
essentialist mass gadri; start a description of an essential characterization of some mass/group/constituency viewed as a whole
interrogative mass gadri: "which group of..."; viewed and counted as a group
interrogative gadri: "which"
x1 is a mathematical set/structure/space/object (use appropriate gadri) such that its (set-/structure-/space-/object-theoretic) complement (in space x3) has property x2 (ka) in space x3

In notes:

x1 reflects/relates to/pertains to xorlo (Lojbanic) grammatical standards in manner/aspect x2, specific to version x3 (contextless default: the most recent version that has been officially accepted by the Lojban language's governing body (presently, the BPFK))
dau'a (exp!)
gafyzmico: Reset all default specifications of immediately previous word to official definition specifications hereinafter (permanently)
default value (re)specification/(re)assignment/(re)definition/over-write; set new default value (terbri-specific; permanent)
de'au (exp!)
gafyzmico: Cancellation (permanent) of all defaults in immediately previous word
de'oi (exp!)
Cancellation (instant-/usage-wise; temporary) of all defaults in immediately previous word
doi'a (exp!)
gafyzmico: Reset all default specification of the immediately previous word to their respective discourse-external/official definition specifications for this instance/usage only.
change version/dialect of parser
semi-mathematical binary operator: named number base operator/interpreter
kau'ai (exp!)
Microdigit-spanning endianness binary-toggle.
kau'au (exp!)
Macrodigit-spanning endianness binary-toggle.
symbol string to number/variable
fills and deletes (in the manner as "{zi'o}") all terbri sumti slots of immediately previous (id est: tagged) word that are not explicitly filled with a sumti.
x1 is a value / proof of type / proposition x2 under context x3 in (type / logical) system x4.