xorlo experimental gismu

x1 reflects/relates to/pertains to xorlo (Lojbanic) grammatical standards in manner/aspect x2, specific to version x3 (contextless default: the most recent version that has been officially accepted by the Lojban language's governing body (presently, the BPFK))

Since the word is already used in Lojban (especially in meta contexts), it might as well get an official definition/entry; besides, how confusing would it be to come across a word that either is or gismu-conflicts with "xorlo" but which does not mean it? Additionally, actually having this word be part of the Lojban dictionary will allow for its free use within Lojban text and it can be coupled with version specifiers for text (per various proposals). This word might be generalizable to any gadri-specific (proposed) grammar systems for Lojban, rather than Xorlo (as currently understood, or future versions thereof) specifically. See also: cukre.

In notes:

descriptor: the one, which (is / does) ... / those, which (are / do) ...
x1 reflects/relates to/pertains to CLL (Lojbanic) grammatical standards in manner/aspect x2, specific to version x3 (contextless default: the most recent version that has been officially accepted by the Lojban language's governing body (presently, the BPFK))
presuppositional definite article: the …; the thing(s) which …
plural logic maximum-scope descriptor: those who individually or collectively are ...
convert number to cardinality selbri: x1 is/are [number] in number; there is/are [number] things among x1.
the referent of itself; guards the scope of the sumti