implicite fu'ivla

x1 is implicit, implied, understood, contained in the nature but not directly expressed or apparent

In definition:

l1 is an implicitly metaphorical lujvo with meaning l2 and arguments l3 built from metaphor l4.
l1 is an implicit-abstraction lujvo with meaning l2 and arguments l3 built from metaphor [tanru] l4.
l1 is an implicitly metaphorical lujvo with meaning l2 and arguments l3 built from metaphor l4.
x1=m1 (non-agentively) suddenly moves/teleports/abruptly relocates/'jumps' in location to destination x2=m2 from origin x3=m3 by path (if applicable) x4=m4 (default: linear/projective/geodesic path connecting endpoints is implicitly assumed by speaker, but actual movement over this path is not necessary and may not even actually be true)
variable identifier article: refer to the referents of the variable having the following predicate as its name; such a variable may be implicitly bound by {PA broda} or {LE broda} phrases; if no such variable has been previously bound, the referents are left to the context to determine; the referents are not claimed to actually satisfy the predicate after which the variable is named.
non-restrictive relative clause; attaches subordinate bridi with incidental information, doesn't contain an implicit reference to its head via {ke'a}.
Override implicit zo'e-filling of empty argument slots in the current clause, or of the marked tanru-element if this particle is put right after a tanru-element, switching the default filling to existential quantification of lowest logical scope.
x1 is a non-polyplet polyform/polyomino/polyabolo/polyiamond (etc.) composed of parts/'tile' polytope x2 arranged in (finite) unified shape/pattern x3 (in which the entirety of sides of polytopes are shared or are not shared at all) in ambient space x4 and subject to rules/restrictions/conditions x5 (implicitly includes the condition of whole sides being shared)
x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka) via intermediate steps x4 (ce'o; (ordered) list but not necessarily fully and explicitly specified without skipping/gaps/omissions/implicit terms).

In notes:

x1 is a mass/team/aggregate/whole, together composed of components x2, considered jointly.
ke1=kl1 has score kl2 in game ke2=c1 governed by rules c2 interrelating game parts (physical or conceptual) c3.
k1 is a coworker/colleague of k2=j2 in job/occupation j1
x1 chooses/selects x2 from x3 (set) for purpose x4 (property).
x1=k1 is the property of gratitude/thankfulness/appreciation of x2=c2 for x3=c3 (event/property)
x1 (text) is the name of family x2 (partial set/list of individuals or, better, a graph structure) by name-user x3.
x1 (li) exceeds/is greater than/is numerically larger than x2 (li) by amount (ni/li) x3; x1 = x2 + x3
l2 is blurry/indistinct/unfocused at location l3
x1 is an open set in the topological space x2.
x1=p1 (agent) touches eir tongue to/licks x2=p2=t2 at x3=p4 [a locus on x2].
x1 (letteral: la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a hyphen/joining letter(al) in language x2 with function in/context of use/with rules for use/with properties x3, joining prefixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x4 (quote) to postfixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x5 (quote) in construct (full word) x6 (quote)
mekso operator: in ordered tuple/list/vector/sequence X1, replace the X2th entry with term X3 of appropriate type, and leave all other entries untouched (optional: where the index for the very first/leading/header entry is X4).
mekso operator/function terminator (in Polish notation): inserts exactly enough "{boi}"'s consecutively so as to terminate the most recently uttered operator/function in a mekso expression
elliptical/vague/indecisive scalar affirmer/negator; true neutral/non-committed/uninvolved scalar truthfulness/assertion.
BIhI argument modifier: indicates dimensionality/length of tuple
define following selbri with sentence or tu'e...tu'u clause
elliptical/vague/unspecific/generic tanru inversion
mekso operatory: prime mark append
da'ai'a (exp!)
"da'avni" modal: except under condition ...; unless ...; excepting/exempting (condition) ... .
gafyzmico: Reset all default specifications of immediately previous word to official definition specifications hereinafter (permanently)
default value (re)specification/(re)assignment/(re)definition/over-write; set new default value (terbri-specific; permanent)
gafyzmico: Cancellation (permanent) of all defaults in immediately previous word
Cancellation (instant-/usage-wise; temporary) of all defaults in immediately previous word
pro-sumti and sumyzmico: discourse-interior default it (terbri-specific)
pro-sumti and sumyzmico: an elliptical/unspecified value which does not necessarily obey the default setting for the corresponding terbri that is explicitly specified in the definition of the word; has some value which makes bridi true
pro-sumti & sumyzmico: discourse-exterior default it
gafyzmico: Reset all default specification of the immediately previous word to their respective discourse-external/official definition specifications for this instance/usage only.
mekso k-ary operator, for natural k and 1 < k < 5: ordered input (f, g, S, m) where f and g are functions, S is a set of positive integers or "ro" (="all"), and m is 0 or 1 (as a toggle); output is a function equivalent to the function f as applied to an input ordered tuple with g applied to the entries/terms with indices in S (or to all entries/terms if S="ro") if m=0, or g left-composed with the same if m=1.
repeat (copy-and-paste) the recontextualized content of the most-recent or indicated NOI relative clause.
mekso, at-most-5-ary operator: a rounding function; ordered input list is (x,n,t,m,b) and the output is sgn(x) bt roundn (b(-t) abs(x)), with rounding preference n and where the fractional part of b(-t) abs(x) being equal to 1/2 causes the roundn ( ) function to map b(-t) abs(x) to the nearest integer of form 2Z+m, for base b (determined by context if not explicitly input) and some integer Z (determined by context).
empty/vacuous selbri
mu'au'oi (exp!)
Discursive: resuming/continuing example - start new example
Marks an endpoint of a quote/string/expression and specifies that (relative to the original) the quote/string/expression so marked is complete, accurate, and well-portrayed by the quote/string/expression on the relevant side of the excerpt, including wrt all relevant information and when factoring in the content and context of the quotation-external discourse in which said quote/string/expression appears; indicator that quote mining or cherry-picking did not occur and that the excerpt which is quoted is not deceptive.
mathematical/mekso binary operator: the zero/identity-element/(primitive (-))constant operator; outputs the identity-element of structure A (contextless default: the additive group of integers) regardless of the input value of B (except blank or ill-defined values)
mathematical/mekso binary operator: vector or function inner product over a field; the inner product of A and B over field C
terbri editor: passes the terbri value through the quoted function so that the sumti that fills it really is filling the output of the function
story time toggle.
Marks discontinuity in story time.
digit/number: n (default: 1 or 1/2 atomic units as the case may be) more than half; barely a majority; a slight majority.
mekso unary operator: digital addition.
unary mekso operator: produces a string of n consecutive "xo'e"'s, treated as digits (concatenated into a single string of digits)
fills and deletes (in the manner as "{zi'o}") all terbri sumti slots of immediately previous (id est: tagged) word that are not explicitly filled with a sumti.
Delete subsequent sumti slots.
x1 is an eigenvalue (or zero) of linear transformation/square matrix x2, associated with/'owning' all vectors in generalized eigenspace x3 (implies neither nondegeneracy nor degeneracy; default includes the zero vector) with 'eigenspace-generalization' power/exponent x4 (typically and probably by cultural default will be 1), with algebraic multiplicity (of eigenvalue) x5
Define x1 to be a named dummy symbol (having a name heretofore unassigned) such that, if it were to exist, it would satisfy condition/have property x2 (condition/ka); let x1 be such that it satisfies/is described by x2.
x1 is such that its directed axis or primary 'face' is oriented/faces/aimed in the direction of/toward point x2 according to convention x3
x1 (condition) is the condition for an exception/'else' case of rule x2 with its own rule/outcome/consequent x3.
x1 (text) is written in a dialect where selbri in every bridi-tail is assumed to have {so'o'o'oi} applied to it
x1 is a secondary meaning of x2; x1 is an indelible connotation/subtext of word/phrase x2
x1 is the [probably spatial] linear momentum [vector] of x2 in frame of reference x3
x1 is linked by binary predicate x2 (ka) to x3. which in turn is linked by x2 to x4, which in turn is linked by x2 to x5, ...
ka'o zei namcu
x1 is a complex number (understood as such).
ka'ozeino zei namcu
x1 is a pure real number (such that its imaginary part is 0) understood as an example of a complex number.
nozeika'o zei namcu
x1 is a pure imaginary number (such that its real part is 0) understood as an example of a complex number.