nakcei lujvo

c1 is a god (specifically, male deity) of people(s)/religion c2 with dominion over c3 [sphere].

In English, "god" can be either genderless or male (depending on context and contrast), while specifically indicating a female deity by use of the word "goddess". In order to correct this imbalance, Lojban is equipped with fetcei and nakcei (among other words) for the variously characterized deities, whereas cevni makes no implications about the gender of the deity. Cf. fetcei, nakni, cevni, lijda, krici, censa, malsi. Recommended to be used only use when contrasted with fetcei or masculinity of the deity is to be emphasized/important.

In notes:

c1 is a goddess (female deity) of people(s)/religion c2 with dominion over c3 [sphere].