ro'irbi'o lujvo

x1=b1 becomes rock/is petrified/is fossilized/is transformed into a statue x2=r1=b2 (result) of composition x3=r2 at/from location x4=r3 under condition x5=b3

The process by which this happens is not specified and can be bio-geological (as with petrified trees) or magical (as with Medusa). x1 may not be biological. See also: rokybixmivborvelvi'u, rokybixygau

In notes:

x1 =g1 (agent) petrifies/turns/'freezes'/fossilizes x2=b1 into rock/fossil/statue x3=r1=b2 (result) of rock composition x4=r2 and at/from location x5=r3 under conditions x6=b3.